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Axiata Group Conroversy: A Policital solution or a corruption at its best

On December 1, Axiata the telecmooouncation giant  announced its exist from Ncell with sale and purchase agreement (SPA) with Spectrlite UK ...

Acid Attack shows our society is filmy

Recently 2 teenage girls Sangita Magar and Sima Basnet both preparing for their  SLC were attacked with acid on their face early morning at basnatpur. Nobody knows who they were or for what reason they were attacked the girls. But with this attack, once again the question of women vulnerability and violence against women has come upfront further concerns.

To be precise as we are moving towards future such kind of incidents have made us think about the women status in society. We preach about equality and women empowerment and leadership.
We have been practicing the form of equality but in case of such incident would you dare enough to let your own sister or women in the family more freely. so what and where did we lacked ?

The question here arises about what kinds of security arrangement have we made in safeguarding a woman so that she can freely move around or in case of help what kinds of services have we allotted to prevent such actions.

The answer is no, with all the money pouring-in  in the name of women empowerment and leadership, our country is moving no where. We have allotted and tried to play politics in favoring some powerful women in reaching top position but beyond that there is no sense of equality and security. Most of the so called INGOS and NGOS  are harvesting the topics in the name of development but when it comes down to reality its always the victims who have to suffer the consequences.

I think we need to blame
1. The social values and norms that make a man strong and woman weak
2. The predominant cinema effect that showcases such action with loud male hypocrisy
3. Lack of  core values in teaching equality
4. INGOS and NGOS that lobby nonsense policies
5. Lack of clarity of respect
6. Domination  and lack of understanding


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