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Axiata Group Conroversy: A Policital solution or a corruption at its best

On December 1, Axiata the telecmooouncation giant  announced its exist from Ncell with sale and purchase agreement (SPA) with Spectrlite UK ...

New KUMARI creates a BUZZ in the international Arena

Kumari the tradition of the living goddess has always been an issue of how the western world looks at  our society with an eye of exploitation and abuse only. May be yes, but this tradition lives up to the image of how a virgin girl still carries on the faith of being a god and despite the fact that the kings who set up the tradition are no more, the tradition lives up with many cultural values.

From time and again looking at it from various angles, there has been many improvements that has facilitated the KUMARI of education and other facilities. But the main question is would anyone question the basic human right that are being compromised in the name of tradition. Would anyone feel comfortable of  seeing a normal child not being normal again. There is a great needs of research that needs to be done in context of how this affects the society. Since its related to the culture and tradition it cannot be ignored but to a fact of how a girl's human rights are in a question of being compromised there are certain issue of where we need to look in.   

This year a 3 year old  Trishna Shakya has been announced the new Living Goddess Kumari after her predecessor Matina Shakya retired. 

She was selected as a KUMARI after a rigorous test qualifying various condition and terms. The Pride and prestige of being a KUMARI is certainly there but the baggage of after life is also there where there are more stigma and prejudices that prevails a woman from being a normal person ever again.   
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